
Chapter One :Chapter 1

"Damn obese pig, I curse you to have a urinary problem from today onwards, running to the toilet ten times a night, each time taking half an hour. You dare to fire me, I'll make you pay." A young man around twenty years old was sticking needles into a cloth doll with a photograph pinned to its head, with a face that looked eerily similar to a pig.

This young man was named Chen Long, a twenty-two-year-old resident of Chunan. After graduating from school last year, he secured a position at an advertising company in Chunan's Star City.

However, his good fortune didn't last long. At noon today, Chen Long happened to bump into his obese boss flirting with the secretary in the office.

Since Chen Long saw this secret, the boss naturally didn't let him stay in the company anymore and dismissed him with a lame excuse.

At this moment, Chen Long was venting his anger on the cloth doll in the room he rented in Star City. After sticking needles all over it, Chen Long's rage eased slightly.

"My little sister is about to graduate from junior high school, I promised her that I would buy a phone for her. I still have some money left, so I might as well buy it online." Chen Long might be unemployed now, but he didn't want to break this promise he made to his sister.

He switched on his second-hand tablet which he bought for just two hundred yuan and was preparing to search for mobile phones on 'Taobao'.

As Chen Long's fingers touched the 'Taobao' icon, a current suddenly flowed through his fingertip into his body.

"Damn, this tablet is leaking electricity. I will never buy second-hand goods again." That was Chen Long's final thought.

At this moment, the second-hand tablet, which was plugged in and charging, flashed a burst of light and then disappeared out of sight.

Chen Long fell to the ground, a pale blue electric light flickering on his body.

“The Almighty Taobao System binding with host..."

"Determining host's world pattern..."

"Loading Taobao information..."

The next morning, Chen Long finally woke up.

"I'm not dead, I'm not dead, thank God." After waking up, Chen Long saw that he was still in his rental room, and he felt a surge of excitement from having a narrow escape from death.

However, suddenly, a plethora of information materialized in Chen Long's mind.

"The Ultimate Taobao System? What is this? Am I hallucinating due to an electric shock?" Chen Long frowned.

Then, a myriad of virtual images and information about various items began to appear in Chen Long's consciousness.

After looking through some of the items, Chen Long was astounded by their functionalities.

"Invisibility Cloak, can become invisible after putting it on, the seller is Gugulachi from the planet Beireite, priced at 100 System Exchange Points."

"Strength Pill, can permanently double the user's strength after taking it, the seller is Dalijiang from the planet Dali, priced at 5 System Exchange Points."

"Wisdom Tablets, can permanently quintuple the user's intelligence after taking it, the seller is Baize from the planet Zhihui, priced at 30 System Exchange Points."

"X-Ray Glasses, can see through all non-living barriers after putting them on, the seller is Kolumak from the planet Lazi'er, priced at 50 System Exchange Points."


"Can it be real? Even goods from outer space, can Taobao get items from other planets?"

Thinking about this, Chen Long tried to check his exchange points.

Initially, Chen Long, who didn't have much hope, was stunned to find that he had .1 exchange points, which was beyond his expectation.

".1 exchange points, what can I exchange with this?" Immediately, Chen Long found out that this exchange point was gifted upon his initial binding to the system.

Following that, all the items in Chen Long's consciousness began to change uniformly into items priced at .1.

"Not bad, there's also a search function!" Chen Long thought excitedly.

"A pinch of ordinary soil, without any functions, purely the seller's idle whims. The seller is Urala from the Raka planet, priced at .1 system exchange points."

"A pinch of ordinary soil being sold for .1 system exchange coins, isn't this a rip-off? Only a fool would buy it." After seeing this item, Chen Long couldn't help but grumble.

However, after seeing that Urala actually managed to sell thirteen units, Chen Long was speechless, there really were fools in this universe, so why shouldn't I put up some items for sale too?

Afterwards, Chen Long continued to look at the other items priced at .1 system exchange points. However, they were all useless and eccentric items.

"Are there any normal and somewhat valuable items?" Chen Long was already losing his patience.

At this moment, Chen Long suddenly spotted an item.

"Inferior Appraisal Glasses, after using, it can identify all items. However, because it's an inferior product, it can only be used three times. The seller is Da Dongfang from the Mountain Race Planet, priced at .1 system exchange points."

"Identify all items? This is a good thing! Although it can only be used three times, as long as it's used well, it will definitely be very useful." After seeing this item, Chen Long's eyes lit up, and he immediately used .1 exchange points to redeem the 'Inferior Appraisal Glasses'.

Shortly after, Chen Long realized that he was holding an extra pair of ordinary black-framed glasses in his hands.

"So these are the Appraisal Glasses that can identify all things?" Chen Long looked at the 'Appraisal Glasses' in his hand, which looked just like ordinary black-framed glasses.

Chen Long examined them from left to right, but couldn't see what was special about them.

He then put on the glasses, but still, nothing seemed different.

"Not bad, they make me look quite scholarly." Chen Long glanced in the mirror, and upon seeing his reflection with glasses looking slightly more bookish, he nodded with satisfaction.

After that, Chen Long left the house wearing his new glasses.

Given this pair of glasses can identify everything, I might as well head to the flea market and test its utility. If I happen to come across an overlooked treasure, then I've struck gold.

After leaving the house, Chen Long purchased two big buns and a cup of soy milk from the breakfast stall at the entrance of the alley, then hopped on the No.2 bus towards the old goods market.

After a twenty-minute trip, he arrived at the Star City Flea Market, where all the stall owners had already set up.

However, considering it is Wednesday, there were not many people scavenging for deals in the flea market.

Chen Long wore the identification glasses, looking left and right at each stall, yet the glasses did not respond to anything.

Just when Chen Long had almost done a round of the market and was about to lose patience, the identification glasses finally reacted.

"Undentified item found. Would you like to identify it?"

An image of a little clay bottle appeared in front of Chen Long.

"Identify." Chen Long thought.

"Qing Qianlong· Immortal Riding on a Raft Poetry Carved White Jade Snuff Bottle.”

"A great find. If it's cheap, I'm definitely getting it." Even though Chen Long didn't actually know the real value of this Qing Qianlong· Immortal Riding on a Raft Poetry Carved White Jade Snuff Bottle, anything from Qianlong's era had to be good.

"Boss, what are these objects?" Chen Long squatted down and asked the stall owner.

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